Create Your Corporate Business Wellness Strategy With The Wellness Competency Teachings!

 Align Resilience, Well-Being, High Performance, And Profitability To Thrive In The New World of Work. 

We help you incorporate one wellness competency into your workplace each month.

Wellness Competency: 

A competency that can be learned or improved through mindset, observation, coaching, and feedback

 Participate in live teachings, discussions, and group exercises weekly.

Wellness Activity:

Expand the range of wellness activities you offer your employees. Learn to align wellness competencies to the wellness activities at work.

 Customize activities that suit your workplace culture while adding variety and alignment.

Wellness Alignment Strategy:

Learn to align wellness competencies to the wellness dimensions through the weekly wellness mindset sessions.

Attend one or more weekly competency alignment sessions and get support to optimize mental and emotional resilience.

Wellness Practice:

Explore a range of wellness practices that align with your business initiatives.

 Incorporate wellness practices to build resilience and nurture high performance at work.

Increase participation and engagement in your wellness programs and initiatives.

Offer wellness strategies that meets the dynamic needs of your workforce

Wellness Competency E-Courses

Wellness professionals inside and outside organizations are struggling to offer more to high stressed, burnt out, and disconnected employees.

The wellness competency teachings engage employees in dialogue about their own wellness and tips to improve how well they are doing in life and work.

It empowers them to live more fully and expand their perspectives about the small and big things they can do to optimize their wellness.

Get the wellness competency teachings robust, practical, powerful learnings to optimize your workplace wellness offerings. 

Wellness Competency Textbook

Get your copy of the most comprehensive Wellness Competency Teaching and Coaching Framework for your students, courses, and Workplace Wellness policy review.

Bring Wellness Competency Teaching To Your Workplace!

Bring wellness competency teaching to your workplace, team, or group. Book a keynote, workshop, webinar or get an e-course now!

Become A Certified Wellness Competency Professional

Join hundreds of professionals who are certified in the wellness competency teaching perspective to work with individuals or groups

Become A Wellness aMindset Coach
Become A Wellness Competency Facilitator